Explore digital
account experience

Spend, save and manage your money through a single platform. Earn instant cashbacks on purchases from stores, online platforms or applications.

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Param Mobile

Free digital account

Get access to lots of features: spend, send and save your money easily.

An easy-to-use interface to help you get the most of the app and manage your money.

Create Account

for free and easily manage all your financial transactions via the mobile application.

Send Money

Send money easily to your account or others. Get instant notifications. Have control over your money

Request Money

Easily ask for money from your friends, in times of need. You'll receive it as soon as the other party approves.

Your Budget

View your expenses, manage your budget, plan and save with cashback opportunities via the mobile application.

Pay Your Bills

Quickly pay your utility bills. Easily set up direct debit, have control over your cashflow.

Use TR QR Code

Experience payment with TR QR Code. Use QR code for ATM cash wthdrawals or for POS payments.

Earn Cashback

Pay with your ParamKart or Param Business Kart for your purchases from various shops, markets, fuel stations, etc. Get cashback as you spend.


Whenever you need help, you can easily reach us and have a live chat with our customer support team.

Designed by us. For all your needs Apply Now

Para transferi yapın, kişisel harcamalarınızı kazanca dönüştürün.

Detaylı Bilgi

Fiziksel kartınızı güvenle saklarken farklı bir kart numarası ile internet üzerinden ödeme yapın.

Detaylı Bilgi
Param Mobile

Advanced financial technology on your mobile

Easy, fast, secure. Param mobile application exclusively designed for your financial needs.

75 Cash Back in Travel Industry for ParamKart Holders
Advantageous Param World

Privileged shopping from contracted brands

Shop for all your purchases from groceries to fuel at the market using ParamKart or ParamKart Business, and earn cashback as you spend.

Create an account within seconds

With Param, you have full control over your money! Save time and money with Param.

Create Account
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